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We dedicate this program to the memory of Connecticut yankee Noah Webster. While Webster is best known today for publishing the first dictionary and spelling books in English North America, he also made an invaluable contribution to many of the freedoms Americans treasure. Webster was familiar with the form of government in Connecticut which was based not on the theocratic Puritan Massachusetts form as much as on the pattern of Plymouth Colony. In Plymouth the government was instituted only for the protection of life, liberty, and property. The church and the individual were responsible for such things as teaching, religion, press, speech, and so on. Webster wrote George Washington a letter about these things and met with him shortly before Washington attended the United States Constitutional Convention. While many other individuals contributed to the writing of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, Webster as much as anyone articulated the basic principles which would establish the American Constitution as an example of liberty and responsibility that the world had not seen since the fall of Israel to Babylon.
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Your friends at English Plus+