Extended ASCII Characters in Windows, HTML, and Help Files

Those using ASCII and ASCII-based editors to write Windows-based text (even Message Boxes) and Help files have probably discovered that the Extended ASCII characters (numbers 127 to 255) print out differently on Windows® Files. That  ® symbol, for example, is not even in the ASCII set, but you get it in this Help file by typing in ASCII character number 174 (The double left arrow[«]). If you want the double left arrow in the Help file, you have to type in the ASCII character number 171 which is normally the one-half (½). And so ad infinitum! These extended ASCII numbers are also used in HTML, so they may be used to customize your HTML web pages, too.

Actually, none of the extended ASCII figures appear in most Windows files according to the standard character set. This XASCII Help file shows you what each extended ASCII character number actually produces in a Help file and most other Windows files. These also are the characters used for character numbers when editing Web Pages in HTML.

For those using character codes, the basic ASCII characters appear on the next page.

The ASCII number is followed by the character that appears in .HLP files and other Windows files. Note that a few characters MAY appear different on your Web Browser than on the Help File, but this will give you an idea of what the program is like.

145‘ 146’ 160  161¡ 162¢ 163£ 164¤ 165¥ 166¦ 167§ 168¨ 169© 170ª 171« 172¬ 173­ 174® 175¯ 176° 177± 178² 179³ 180´ 181µ 182¶ 183· 184¸ 185¹ 186º 187» 188¼ 189½ 190¾ 191¿ 192À 193Á 194Â 195Ã 196Ä 197Å 198Æ 199Ç 200È 201É 202Ê 203Ë 204Ì 205Í 206Î 207Ï 208Ð 209Ñ 210Ò 211Ó 212Ô 213Õ 214Ö 215× 216Ø 217Ù 218Ú 219Û 220Ü 221Ý 222Þ 223ß 224à 225á 226â 227ã 228ä 229å 230æ 231ç 232è 233é 234ê 235ë 236ì 237í 238î 239ï 240ð 241ñ 242ò 243ó 244ô 245õ 246ö 247÷ 248ø 249ù 250ú 251û 252ü 253ý 254þ 255ÿ

ASCII characters 127-144, and 147-159 are null in Windows and Help files, they produce a black area on the screen. Character 160 produces a space which can act as a hard space. That hard space character " " is very helpful when spacing on web pages.

Why go web surfing to get this information each time? Download a complimentary copy of XASCII from the Programming Aids Information Page.

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