English Plus+ News, November 2003
English Plus+ announces an upgrade to the grammar checking engine of Grammar Slammer Deluxe with Checkers. This is free to all registered users of Grammar Slammer Deluxe with Checkers.
To obtain this upgrade, simply go the English Plus+ download page at http://www.englishplus.com/pub/, and download the upgrade file. You can also link to the file directly at http://www.englishplus.com/pub/gramslam.g1. With many browsers, you may have to right click your mouse and then choose "Save Target As" to download the file from the download link. The file, named gramslam.g1, is only 12.1 kilobytes, so it should be quck for most users to download.
Once you have downloaded the gramslam.g1 file, simply copy it over the current gramslam.g1 file in your Grammar Slammer Deluxe with Checkers folder.
This upgrade demonstrates one of the advantages of marketing over the Internet. Many of the changes we made to our grammar checking engine came from recommendations made by our users. Such changes include more double negatives, some additional nonstandard terms, double punctuation marks which the spelling checker passes over, and a few more commonly confused terms. The gramslam.g1 file is for Grammar Slammer Deluxe with Checkers only. If you do not have the spelling and grammar checkers with your Grammar Slammer Deluxe, there is no need for this upgrade file. If you would like to upgrade to include a spelling and grammar checker with your Grammar Slammer program, go to our grammar slammer order page page at http://www.englishplus.com/gsorder.htm for information on upgrades.
We thank our users for their input.
May all your anguish be vanquished,
Your friends at English Plus+
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