English Plus+ Newsletters Online
- Nov. 1998--What about Split Infinitives?
- Dec. 1998--Censor vs. Censure (for Political Understanding)
- Feb. 1999--Why Can't My Grammar Checker Automatically Correct My Mistakes?
- Mar. 1999--The New SAT of 1999
- Apr. 1999--When "Mr. & Mrs." Is Not Enough; also Melissa Virus Fix for Word 97
- June 1999--Why Some Words are Hyphenated; also Let's Correct the Textbooks, Part 1
- July 1999--How Do You Make Plurals of Names; also Let's Correct the Textbooks, Part 2
- Sep. 1999--De- or Di-?; also Let's Correct the Textbooks, Part 3
- Nov. 1999--Peri- or Para-?; also Let's Correct the Textbooks, Part 4
- Jan. 2000--Why Are There Grammar Rules? Part 1; also Let's Correct the Textbooks, Part 5
- Mar. 2000--Why Are There Grammar Rules? Part 2; also Let's Correct the Textbooks, Part 6
- July 2000--Asian vs. American Schools; -Ness vs. -Ess
- Sep. 2000--Asian vs. American Schools & Phonics vs. Whole Language
- Nov. 2000--Is Your Dictionary Descriptive or Prescriptive?
- Dec. 2000--Addressing Former Officeholders & Naming Decades and Starting Centuries
- Feb. 2001--More on "Mr. & Mrs."; More on Automatic Grammar Checkers; More on Prepositions at the End of Sentences
- Apr. 2001--Why There Will Never Be an "Automatic Grammar Checker"; Still More on Prepositions at the End of Sentences
- Jul. 2001--Using Less, Lesser, and Little; The Future of English Plus+
- Sep. 2001--Two Cheers for the SAT: Better than Most; Grammar Slammer for Non-Windows OS Now Available
- Dec. 2001--Apostrophe Plus S in Plurals; Definite Articles in a Series
- Jan. 2002--Spell Checker "Misspellings": Mistakes from the Misuse of Spell Checkers
- Feb. 2002--A New Twist on a Noble Word: Martyr vs. Suicide.
- Jun. 2002--Questions You Asked--Spelling, Letter Writing, and Usage.
- Aug. 2002--Now Ready--Grammar Slammer Deluxe with Spelling and Grammar Checkers.
- Oct. 2002--Why Can't My Grammar Checker Automatically Correct My Mistakes? (Updated)
- Dec. 2002--Using Fun, Multiple Personal Titles, Shall vs. Will, and Capitalizing Holidays
- July 2003--What is a Copyright?; Standard vs. Nonstandard English
- Nov. 2003--Free Upgrade for Grammar Slammer Deluxe with Checkers
- Oct. 2008--Is None Supposed To Be Singular, or Can It Be Plural, Too?
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