
A ligature is two or more connected letters to indicate a single sound. This is used in some language such as Latin. Sometimes the ligatures of a and e (æ) or o and e (œ) are used in English in words that derive from Latin or Greek.

This practice is more common in England than America.

Example: medieval, mediaeval, or mediæval

Example: encyclopedia, encyclopaedia, or encyclopædia

Example: eon or æon

Note: The font character sets which are often used in some browsers do not have the ligature for oe. If your browser is set up to handle it, it would look like the first character in the last word: economy, oeconomy, or œconomy.

Try the Arial, Courier New, Lucida Console, Lucida Sans, Lucida Sans Unicode, Tahoma, Times New Roman, or Verdana fonts for this character.

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