Grammar Slammer: Free Trial Demos
Grammar Slammer Demo with Checkers
Grammar Slammer Demo Grammar Slammer Demo for Windows 3.x
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Purchase Grammar Slammer or Grammar Slammer Deluxe
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"A great utility to enhance word processing programs"
- Pamela Toliver & Carol Kellogg, PC's for Teachers
Online Reviews of Grammar Slammer
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Windows 8 Compatible
 Five Stars - Free Trial Software

Five Stars - Shareware Junkies

Paul's Picks - 5 Stars

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Softchecker Editor's Choice
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A Ziff-Davis Editor's Choice

Four Stars - Yippee Net
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"This writing program answers questions not covered by
standard grammar checkers. Based on the Windows help file
format, this extensive file provides resources for all
Software Research Institute
Grammar Slammer Deluxe with Checkers
Slam your Grammar Agony...
"Most of us properly use grammar in more than 95% of our writing and speaking. The other five percent creates immense headaches... Grammar Slammer is better than any pain reliever for these headaches."
Brian Howard, The Writer's Web
Get rid of those English headaches!...
Now available with Spelling and Grammar checkers!
Are You Looking for the Perfect English Language Correction Software?
Let's be honest, this side of paradise, it does not exist. Grammar Checkers and Spelling Checkers are very helpful, but they can't read your mind. They cannot know what you intended to say. But Grammar Slammer Deluxe with Checkers has a complete English grammar and spelling reference with its own integrated Grammar and Spelling checkers. Have a question on something the checker points out? Simply click a button and you can easily find what you need in the Grammar Slammer Deluxe with Checkers help file. What could be easier? It's the closest thing to having it all. $49 (US).
Satisfied with the Grammar and Spelling Checkers that you Have?
Just need something to answer those questions you are not sure about? Then try...
Grammar Slammer Deluxe
Vanquish your Language Anguish
What is the plural of hors d'oeuvre?
Grammar Slammer Deluxe contains the quick online English grammar help of Grammar Slammer plus the additional support of Spelling Slammer. Not only can you slam your grammar agony, but you can answer the questions and make the choices that the spelling checkers overlook. Available as registration option. Any downloaded version of Grammar Slammer (including online Grammar Slammer) contains a sample. $39 - for both Grammar and Spelling help.
Just need an English grammar reference without spelling help? Then try the original...
Grammar Slammer
Vanquish your Grammar Anguish
Original Grammar Slammer contains the quick online English grammar help. $25 - for Grammar help only--no spelling or checkers.
"Grammar Slammer's simple appearance and vast amount information on grammar/writing help makes this program a must for all students, and I strongly encourage anyone to purchase this program." Shareware Junkies
Ask about special prices for site licenses, schools, and multiple copies (all versions). A Software of the Month Club Selection. A Ziff-Davis editor's choice.
 Rated 5 Cows by TuCows Office
Are You Looking for the Perfect English Language Correction Software?
Grammar Slammer combined with a good Grammar Checker is unbeatable. Except, of course, for Grammar Slammer Deluxe combined with a good Grammar Checker and Spelling Checker! Now we have it all in one package--Grammar Slammer Deluxe with Checkers.